"Every Sperm Is Sacred" was meant to be a parody of Catholicism as a whole- that they chose to use birth control as the central issue was what made it controversial when the film was first released in 1983.

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David, you are going to get me in trouble with my Catholic relatives!

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Just tell them Monty Python did it.

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Monty Python and Finding Nemo, perfect.

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You should see my students faces after watching, ..."Meaning of Life.. in my Bio Course. They are not quite sure how the movie ties into both selection and meiosis. Creativity, memorization and mother nature seem to create dissonance in the modern college student.

Where is that "tickler" when you need it, anyway.

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I didn't realize you were a teacher! I can't imagine teaching biology today. My daughter never even got sex education (pandemic kids).

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