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I saw a child hood friend post about communication between people over the past decade plus and how it is going down. Care to guess when the major inflection happened?


My comment, which got no responses as I expected, was what happened in 2016/2017 to toss the apple cart?

People decided to make politics a core part of their identity (i.e. similar to a noun) instead of the adjective at best it should be all about.

Women (especially heterosexual/bi-sexual) have to test, test, and test male partners because the saying that men worry about women laughing, while women worry about men killing them. So, in the perfect litmus test, push for liberalness and openness, and see how a man responds.

It is almost too perfect to be able to see the boutique of red flags come forth, with a simple ask of Democrat, Republican, Liberal or Conservative (or hidden conservative [cough cough Libertarian]).

To request and ask people to come to the middle requires "safety" and "safe spaces" -or- a stature of power and wealth to accept the hits.

So anymore people do the math and realize it isn't worth it, and who can blame them. You have people that fail to do simple research and don't understand "anything" anymore. It is all about feelings, and as you know with love ... if one can't be vulnerable and open? There is no love and intimacy "ever", just trauma bonding.

The elections are so simple anymore, especially in the era of Trump. If a person can't see the charlatan and cult of personality around him and the GOP and so called conservatives (who aren't ...), then do you think that person will be able to have the nuance and attention span to know how to make their partner happy?

No, and not even in a broken clock sort of way.

There are compassionate conservatives out there and there are illiberal liberals, and no person can overly be "generalized" into buckets; however, the simple litmus tests can be applied and one should "always" trust their gut instinct.

In the cess pool of X, you should see the shit I get to deal with and honestly the filters filter out most things since it is negative. I have a profile out there which represents me, but man does it trigger people 'epically'.

And you know what ... it is good to know because I want to see people lose their shit and for others to see who they are ... because frankly, I don't want to waste my energy on them.

You for example ARE a person worthy of energy and time ... always. So in this instance I get why there is no middle and why women lean left and men cower in their own fears and pearl clutch the image of fake masculinity of the right.

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