>Identical twin boys Brian and Bruce (David) Reimer were diagnosed with phimosis — a congenital abnormality in which the foreskin of the penis does not retract. When phimosis is severe, it is often corrected with circumcision.

This isn't how phimosis works. It is normal for the foreskin to not retract till a boy gets older. Such a diagnosis, at such a young age, doesn't make any medical sense. It is akin to "correcting" their testes being undescended.

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What a disaster.

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Sex is a biological fact. Gender is an abused and abusive postmodern BS construct. "Money" & "Butler" were degenerates.

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a very poignant story. you have told it wisely. thank you.



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Thanks for sharing; this is a famous case and definitely a cautionary tale. My latest reading has identified the biology of sex (and the unpacking of intersex conditions) as including the composition of five biological elements: chromosomes, gonads, gametes, hormones, and genital morphology. By definition, sex is IS binary because there are only two gametes - there is not a third gamete. With regard to sex reassignment and treatment, I have recently discovered the writing of Colin Wright, Heather Heying, and the work of Genspect, an organization that mostly promotes a non-medical approach to gender dysphoria.

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