I loved reading this! Ashley was a drip and I couldn't stand him in the movie. I always wondered what Scarlett saw in him. What even Melanie saw in him. I never understood the appeal of his indecisive character. I'm Team Rhett all the way. LOL.

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Same. Although Vivian Lee was rumored to not get along with Clark Cable, I have always found his character had so much more nuances. Team Rhett too!

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May 22·edited May 22Liked by Carlyn Beccia

Why, why the relentless pursuit for the imagined?

Is it simply explained as insecure attachment, it does seem to fit the general descritpion, but having lived/loved through limerence made me keenly aware of paying attention to the "stuff to be thought about later."

If fiction is the mirror to truth, frankly, we should give a damnation.

Thank you for sharing.

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Limerance can be fun...until it is not. That's one of those life lessons you try not to repeat.

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I suppose that is what we both understand. It was really nice to read the way you explain it, to make it less of an cognitive fiasco, and more of an opportunity to learn about ourselves. Maybe you would agree that learning about ourselves, isn't always fun. Thanks again for your gifted storytelling.

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I knew of this concept, but I didn't know it had an actual name.

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Yes, that's the official name. I call it "the bad butterflies." ;)

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I've done that repeatedly in my life, until I said fuck this shit. Took me a long time but I finally figured it out. My butterflies are all pretty neutral now and any relationship I choose to engage in is reality based. We are what we are, not what other people think we are and often, not even what we "think" we are. It takes a lot of shadow work to let go of the shit we're taught is appropriate in our Iives and to ground ourselves in reality.

As always, Carlyn, you often insight and clarity. Thanks.

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