Welcome to Conservations with Carlyn

Carlyn Beccia is an author, illustrator, columnist, and speaker. Beccia's books, including The Raucous Royals, I Feel Better with a Frog in My Throat, They Lost Their Heads, and Monstrous have won numerous awards, including the Golden Kite Honor, The International Reading Association's Young Adult Book Award, and the Cybil Award. For more information: www.CarlynBeccia.com

If you enjoyed this article, explore more history, science, and weird dinner conversation topics in one of my many books. (*Note: I am not an Amazon affiliate. Please support your local bookstore.)

I began this newsletter to have open and honest conversations with readers about sexuality, culture, psychology, history, art, and whatever makes humans strange. 

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Why I am passionate about sex education

A 2019 survey of 2000 participants asked respondents to find the clitoris on a medical diagram. One-third of BOTH men and women couldn't find it because they didn't know what a clitoris was.

Let’s change that. The clitoris is homologous to the penis. (Note: Researchers didn't ask them to identify a penis.)

So, if you are an educator, email me, and I will send you a higher-resolution version of any of my anatomical illustrations.

If you are not an educator, I can send you a licensing contract. All artwork is ©Carlyn Beccia. Children’s book art and writing must go through my agent.

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Honest conversations about sex, feminism, love, psychology, history & science.


Carlyn Beccia is an award-winning author, illustrator, and columnist. Latest books — 10 AT 10, MONSTROUS: THE LORE, GORE, & SCIENCE, and THEY LOST THEIR HEADS. Contact: CarlynBeccia.com